Why buy at UsedAutoBank.com?
At UsedAutoBank.com you buy cars directly, from the office or your home, do not need to go anywhere, do everything at your computer. Our car auction works 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
At UsedAutoBank.com vehicle sources include the following:
- Leasing companies
- Rental companies
- Automotive companies
- Finance companies
First step. Registration.
Once you have filled all necessary fields in a registration form, the confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. Click the link to activate account. If you do not get the confirmation e-mail, check spam or junk mail. If you do not find e-mail there, perhaps you made a slip while typing your e-mail, try to register again then. If you still can not finish registration contact our administrator by e-mail: usedautobank@gmail.com
Second step. Signing of the contract.
After registration you have a basic account, you need to sign contract to become fully authorized. Until then you can see all content and cars, but can not make any bids.
- Individuals can participate and make offers in the auctions after signing contract and provide passport copy.
- Companies need to stamp and sign contract and submit company’s registration certificates’ copies to participate and make offers in the auctions.
The third step. How become a full user ?
- Registration.
- Sign a contract.
- The signed contract together with copy of passport send us the most convenient way:
E-mail: usedautobank@gmail.com
Fax: +370 665 73101
By post: UAB “T&Smobile” Kauno st. 151, Marijampole, LT-68228, Lithuania.
The fourth step. How to find your desired car?
Click on the “advanced search” and select the search criteria, such as the vehicle manufacturer, model, date of registration, the auction type, etc. Clicking the search button, you will find searched vehicles. Also, you can use the “quick search” after the ID number or the manufacturer and model of the car.
Forgot your password. What to do?
Click on the link “Forgot your password” and enter your email address, which you provided while filling registration form. You will get an email from our website with the newly generated password. To connect to our website please enter your email and a new password. After you login, go to your profile and change your password to the one you prefer. Always use uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers in your passwords.
How to win the Auction? Several advices
- Enter a winning bid on your selected cars.
- Whilst bidding, always be aware of the quality of your bid. The more interesting your bid is, the more chances you have of getting the car.
- If you don’t have the time or patience to participate in a dynamic auction, we advise you to try the “Buy Now” auctions.
- To increase your chances of winning, you can place bid on multiple auctions at the same time. But please remember that purchase is mandatory if the car does get assigned to you.
Auction types:
- Open ascending auction. Participants bid against one another, with each subsequent bid required to be higher than the previous one.
- “Buy now” auction. This type of auction enables buyers to purchase the car immediately at a fixed price.
- Sealed-bid auction. In this type of auction all bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows the bi of any other participant.
- Open ascending auction with “Buy now” feature. Additional feature to purchase the car immediately at a fixed price, as opposed to using the bidding process.
Cancel my bid
You can not cancel your bid.
You can not cancel you bid in open ascending auction.
In sealed-bid auctions you can make as many offers as you want, the but next bid has to be higher than previous one. If you have made mistake while bidding in sealed-bid auction, contact our system administrator
What is “Hotbid”?
If the vehicle is in the “Hotbid” phase, the auction has come to the end. The “Hotbid” phase provides a final opportunity to submit bids. “Hotbid” phase lasts 30 seconds. If the participant submits a bid during this time, the “Hotbid” phase begins again. Only at the end of the “Hotbid” phase, auction is completed. Then the submitter of the highest bid in the auction receives confirmation about his achievement
What happens when the auction ends?
At the end of the auction, if you bid the highest price and you have won the auction – you’ll be informed of this by e-mail. Also, this information will be able to see on our website. The first letter will confirm that you have won the auction. The second email will be sent during the next 24 hours. You will get the information if the seller has agreed to sell the car for your price. The seller may refuse to sell a vehicle without giving a reason. In most cases the reason is stated. If the seller has agreed to sell the car, you will get a purchase form which includes a bank account, the price of a vehicle and other services.
When I will get the car documents?
Firstly, your car has to be transported from the dealer to our parking lot. When the car is delivered, it will be recorded and documented for a temporary registration. Then, under your application, we can send you the scanned documents by e-mail. We propose you to pick up the documents when you take the car from our parking lot.
Other user bids
In open ascending price auction you can see last highest bid. In sealed-bid auctions bids are invisible to others.
How long does it take to transport the vehicle to Lithuania?
From 5 to 15 days
Do prices include VAT?
All prices and offers exclude VAT.
VAT amount?
For products and services in Lithuania VAT amount is 21%. For export – 0%.
Why my account has been blocked?
UsedAutoBank can block the user account for a variety of reasons: some are delinquent when payments are delayed for a long time or we have to wait until you send the documents and so on.
Will I be able to buy cars from UsedAutoBank.com if my account is blocked?
No, you will not be able to buy cars and use our services.
Can I remove the account lockout?
There are two cases. The first one is where you are informed by the UsedAutoBank.com administrator about the imminent blocking and you take required actions immediately. In the second case, you have to contact our administrator and pay for the damage caused by your actions. Only under these circumstances you can remove the lockout.